Access: RTrim Function

In Access, the RTrim function returns a copy of a string with trailing spaces removed.

The syntax for the RTrim function is:

RTrim ( string )

The string argument can be any string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.


RTrim("  WebCheatSheet " )        returns " WebCheatSheet" 
RTrim("tutorials ")                      returns "tutorials"
RTrim(" articles")                       returns " articles"

VBA Code

Dim MyString, RTrimString 
MyString = " Access "
RTrimString = Trim(MyString)

This example uses the RTrim function to strip trailing spaces from a string variable. Now the MyString variable would contain the value ” Access”.

SQL query

You can also use the RTrim function in a query.

SELECT RTrim([ItemDesired]) AS Expr1 
FROM Orders


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